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An Equivariant Tamagawa Number Formula for Drinfeld Modules and Applications

Data: czwartek, 24.06.2021, godz. 18:00

Prelegent: Cristian D. Popescu (Univ. of California, San Diego)

Abstrakt: I will present a generalization of Taelman's 2012 celebrated class-number formula for Drinfeld modules to the setting of (rigid analytic) \(L\)-functions of Drinfeld modular motives  with Galois equivariant coefficients. I will discuss applications (e.g. a proof of the Drinfeld module analogue of the Brumer-Stark conjecture, constructions of new \(v\)-adic \(L\)-functions etc.) and potential extensions of this formula to the category of \(t\)-modules and \(t\)-motives. This lecture is based on the paper:, joint  with J. Ferrara, N. Green and Z. Higgins.

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