CS 4 Specific aims for devising and implementing comprehensive solutions for the professional development of the university’s staff, especially young scientists, in the meaning of Article 360(2) of the Law of 20 July 2018 on Higher Education and Science.

CS4.1. To fully incorporate the principles of the European Charter for Researchers into the university’s strategy,

  • including the development and implementation of the Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment practices (OTM-R) applicable to research staff and research-teaching staff, taking into account the existing good practices of AMU in this area.

CS4.2. To implement a policy raising awareness of equality and anti-discrimination

  • at the university as a workplace, applicable to the recruitment process, research, and teaching activities and the process of research activity evaluation.

CS4.3. To constantly monitor the needs of research staff and research-and-teaching staff related to competence improvement and personal development,

  • and to continuously adjust training programs to fit those needs and combine them with personalized career guidance, especially addressed to junior researchers (including doctoral students).

CS4.4. To organize professional training,

  • in particular allowing research staff and research-and-teaching staff to obtain skills and competencies sought-after when conducting research and teaching (research and education process management, soft skills, research funding acquisition, HR management, etc.), adequate to all academic career stages, especially the early stage.

CS4.5. To ensure that all researchers are given the opportunity to acquire and improve competencies necessary to conduct research in cooperation with the non-academic sector

  • especially to promote practical application of research findings (knowledge transfer) and enhance social engagement.

CS4.6. To develop the idea of mentoring to fully integrate research teams

  • support the master-apprentice relationship, and build a culture based on teamwork, cooperation, and trust. The aim of these activities is to increase the effectiveness of research teams using the “generational potential” of both junior and more experienced researchers.

CS4.7. To craft solutions ensuring a work-life balance

  • stability of employment and flexible teaching load, and to develop a social benefit package adequate for individual employee groups.

CS4.8. To introduce a system of motivating and evaluating employees

  • adequate to their scope of duties and professional specialization; the aim is to promote employee activity in accordance with their contribution to the development of the university, and effective talent management.

CS4.9. To develop and implement a comprehensive system supporting intersectoral and international mobility

  • which would allow to participate in internship including in non-academic institutions, and participation in internships and international conferences, and support individuals who resume their employment at the university having worked in the non-academic sector or having returned from parental leave, in the form of e.g. bridging grants.

CS4.10. To professionalize governance and management

  • including the organization of the education process management (flexible teaching load). The aim of these efforts is to ensure rational planning of research-and-teaching employee engagement in both types of their responsibilities.

CS4.11. To rationalize governance and management processes

  • (including IT support) of the university and its units in order to relieve research staff and research-and-teaching staff of excessive administrative duties.