Do You like challenges?

Do You like learning languages?

Choose a language and begin Your virtual trip!

The E-LOCAL for all project, prepared by the six European Universities meets the challenge of widening the frontiers of multilingualism with its inclusion of languages that are not so widely used and taught. If “the limits of my language mean the limits of my world”, according to common repeated thought of Wittgenstein, we propose the e-learning, gratuitous, taken at the chosen time discover of new worlds.

E-LOCAL for all courses promote the acquisition of 6 languages and cultures online: Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Portuguese. Our courses are conceived as a journey, a virtual exploration of new languages and cultures, in a way that will be congenial to young people: through the use of ICT and with English serving as a vehicular language. The level of proficiency is A1, the courses are available on Moodle platform.

The structure of E-LOCAL for all courses consists of the initial part, 8 fictionalized thematic chapters (introduction, description of people and objects, food, work, shopping, leisure time, education). Each chapter contains the e-Story, e-Grammar, e-Culture, e-Life and e-Language exercises parts and dictionary.

The E-LOCAL project has received the award of European Language Label 2012 for its innovative formula.

The access is simply, one should follow the steps:


choose the English language (upper right corner of the page),

log in: create an account

E-LOCAL for all folder: choice of the language (sprout access is not required)

Contact: Justyna Wciórka, Ph.D.

Departmental Coordinator of Erasmus + at Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology

e-mail: justw@amu.edu.pl

All You have to do it is try it!