Our Faculty
The Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology in the current structure is a relatively new entity. But its history begins formally at the time of the establishment of Wszechnica Piastowska („University of the Piast”, later Poznań University, today the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań).
The tradition of philological studies at Adam Mickiewicz University dates back to 1919. During the twenty years of the interwar period and after the year 1945, the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology became one of the most important centres of literary scholarship, literary criticism and linguistics in Poland.
AMU Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology focuses on Polish, Czech, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, and ancient Greek and Latin languages and cultures as well as on Mediterranean and Balkan studies including Albanian/Turkish and Macedonian languages. Our expertise is much wider however and we also offer degree programmes in Film, Audiovisual Arts, Mediterranean Studies, Polish and Historical Pedagogical Studies, Polish and Philosophy Pedagogy Studies, Polish and German Studies. We also teach professional courses in teaching Polish as a foreign language.
This should be also read as the recommendation of the faculty as the strategic partner for Polish philologies abroad.