Undergraduate programmes


Central European and Balkan Studies

The specialization Central European and Balkan Studies is dedicated to students who wish to know and understand European heritage, literary and cultural identity of Europe on other civilizations background.

Thanks to competence and skills obtained during the course the CEBS graduates will gain basic knowledge of the Balkan Peninsula, Central and Eastern Europe literature and linguistics and literary communication with elements of professional skills in the field of cultural tourism and business communication.

All the courses offered within the three-year BA program of the studies are conducted in English.

Polish Studies for International Students

Polish Studies for International Students is a degree programme offered to foreigners who wish to learn the Polish language and get better acquainted with the Polish culture.

The programme has been designed to help our graduates acquire advanced skills in the Polish language.

In their first year of study, under the guidance of experienced teachers of Polish as a foreign language, our students take an intensive language course in order to be able to immerse in the Polish culture and develop their speaking, writing and understanding skills in the following years.

Our programme includes courses in:

  • the history of Polish literature and language,
  • literature studies and linguistics,
  • Polish as a foreign language.

In addition to language courses, the study program includes two optional paths of study:  glottodidactic or translational.

Glottodidactic path – it allows to gain competences helpful in conducting a Polish language course for beginners and taking the role of ambassadors of Polish culture outside Poland.

Translational path – prepares graduates to work as a translators of written Polish texts and literary works, and paves the way towards becoming a sworn-in translator.

The courses are taught by experienced lecturers and language teachers, who also offer our students a range of optional tutorials adjusted to their individual needs and interests.

While attending language classes, tutorials and lectures, our students acquire communication skills both in Polish and another foreign language.