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Focus Groups for Ukrainian people who arrived in Poland after February 24th, 2022

Wszystkie informacje z plakatu znajdują się w treści komunikatu

Adam Mickiewicz University and the International Rescue Committee cordially invite you to participate in focus groups for Ukrainian people who arrived in Poland after February 24th 2022.

The focus groups are part of the IRC's Protection Monitoring programme. The objective is to listen to the stories, needs and situations of refugees in Poland over small snacks and great coffee. It is a fantastic opportunity to share your story and meet new people.

The focus groups are anonymous, no personal data is collected, and the information is gathered by making a written note of the conversation. The focus groups are led by female refugees from Ukraine.

The event will be held at the AMU Welcome Centre on December 6th from 9 am to 4 pm.

Enrollment for each group is done via an online formOne focus group lasts about 1 hour.

The focus groups will be conducted in Ukrainian or Russian as needed. Between each group, you are welcome to discuss, talk together, and get to know each other.

Data from the focus groups is an integral part of IRC reports published online about the situation of refugees in Poland. The reach of the reports is up to several hundred thousand readers.

Please register for one group at a selected time. Please contact us if you require further information: