Blended Intensive Programme

Uniwersytet w Rijece organizuje tematyczną szkołę letnią w ramach Blended Intensive Programme (BIP). Partnerskimi Instytucjami są Uniwersytet w Belgradzie i Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.

Program BIP-u obejmuje część wirtualną (2/4/9 czerwca 2025 r.) oraz z część stacjonarną: 30 czerwca 2025 - 4 lipca 2025 r.

Zakres tematyczny: Antropocene Fictions

Opis: The scientific consensus is that human activity is changing the climate of our planet. Climate changes caused by anthropogenic factors include the heating of oceans, which causes hurricanes and tropical storms – now largely confined to the tropics – to move farther from the equator, hitting densely populated urban areas whose infrastructure cannot withstand such impacts. Other changes include the spread of tropical diseases to non-tropical areas, the decline in food production in some regions triggering economic migrations, and the rise of sea levels, which threatens the existence of some areas and severely affects the economies of others that depend mainly on tourism. Social actors at all levels must rethink how climate change affects them and how their actions affect the climate. BIP will present climate change both as a consequence of social dynamics and as a cause of shifts within society. The goal is for students to recognize, critique, and propose alternatives to the ongoing adherence to a lifestyle that, by (i) burning fossil fuels as a condition of social reproduction and (ii) consuming the meat of ruminant animals, contributes to climate change on a massive scale. Therefore, climate change is almost synonymous with the biggest environmental challenge facing modern society. Our BIP enables students to (i) competently articulate ethical, political, and economic issues related to climate change, (ii) engage in debates about these problems, and (iii) co-create strategies for adapting to climate change, mitigating its consequences, and preventing its worst outcomes. The primary challenge contemporary society must face is raising awareness about climate change and formulating collective responses to it. BIP responds to this challenge by educating new generations of citizens familiar with the social dimensions of climate change. BIP is designed as an interactive program where students will analyze narrative texts, including novels, films, and television series. Through lectures, workshops, and panels, students will explore the impact of climate change on both the social and natural environment, and how it is depicted in fiction. Participants will be directed to research a corpus of literary, film, and television works called climate fiction or, more broadly, Anthropocene fiction. The goal is to educate rational and critically engaged citizens who can reflect on climate change as a global problem and act in their local communities to help solve it.

Opis części wirtualnej: The virtual part will consist of six lectures grouped into three afternoon sessions, each lasting ninety minutes. Each lecture will comprise two segments. In the first segment, lasting sixty minutes, the presenter will introduce and present a specific topic. This will be followed by the second segment comprised of a thirty-minute discussion.
Three keynotes will be delivered by invited lecturers – writers who have explored issues connected with climate change or the Anthropocene in their work. These lectures are provisionally titled "Climate Change as a Social Problem," "Climate Change and Future Challenges," and "Climate Justice and the Rights of Future Generations."
The remaining three lectures will be given by lecturers and professors from the University of Rijeka. These lectures are provisionally titled: "Climate Fiction, Film, and Television Series," "The Emergence and Development of Climate Fiction in Literature," and "Narratives of Existential Risk.

Język działań: angielski

Wydział odpowiedzialny za organizację BIP-u: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Za udział w BIPie przyznaje się 3 punkty ECTS.

Wsparcie finansowe: 79 EUR na dzień stacjonarnego pobytu + ryczałt na koszty podróży według kalkulatora odległości opracowanego przez Komisję Europejską: 309 EUR (podróż standardowa) lub 417 EUR (ekologiczna: pociągiem, autokarem, współdzielonym samochodem) + 100 EUR dla osób ze środowisk uboższych.


1. Osoba studiująca posiada niezbędny kapitał wyjazdowy w ramach programu Erasmus+;
2. W trakcie wyjazdu student/-ka nie może przebywać na urlopie dziekańskim;
3. Udział w BIP nie może pokrywać się z realizowaną mobilnością zagraniczną w celu realizacji studiów lub stażu w ramach programu Erasmus+;
4. Wcześniejsza mobilność programu Erasmus+ kandydata/-ki musi być rozliczona;
5. Wymagana jest znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie B2;
6. Preferencja dla osób korzystających po raz pierwszy z tej formuły wymiany.

Wydział dysponuje 5 grantami – ogłaszamy rekrutację w terminie od 27 stycznia do 5 lutego 2025 r.

Czekamy na Państwa podania z uzasadnieniem starań o pozyskanie grantu.

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