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Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program 2024: Creation/Salvation. Writing and Other Creative Practices as Rescue for the Modern World

A paradox: we live in the best of (known) worlds and at the same time it is obvious that the world has broken down. It needs repair, rescue, salvation. In the 21st century, we are reminded about it by recurring food crisis, refugee crisis, climate crisis, financial crisis, energy crisis (if you count only on the fingers of one hand). These are followed by the (sometimes) less palpable ones: crises of subjectivity, values, faith, reality and justice. In the program's rationale lies the conviction that creative practices can provide a site for the emergence of a remedy. Rescue is not to be understood in the spirit of passive consumption of art. Nor is it the art therapy of fear suppression. The space of creative activity can be seen as an experimental testing ground for forms of engagement in change, as a laboratory of identity, as an affirmative play with the limits of what is known and possible.

The program will engage participants both on a theoretical level (transformations in the understanding of creative activities, psychological and sociological interpretations of them) and on a practical level. On the practical level, students will be involved in creative writing exercises, they will participate in theater workshops, designing of logo-visual artifacts, etc.

The core of the program will be carried out during intensive on-site meetings in Poznan during the summer school (lectures and workshops). This mobility is scheduled for July (a total of 20 academic hours). The summer school will be preceded by preparatory online classes in May (12 academic hours).

The program will culminate in a one-day international conference (July 5) with BIP participants and AMU students, entitled "To the Rescue! Ways to Save the World".

Students who participate in the Program will receive Certificates of Completion (5 ECTS). To be eligible for certification, students must attend and actively participate in both online (with cams & mics on) and in-person classes, as well as present during a conference.

May 10, 17 & 24, 2024 – on-line classes (12h; Fridays, 9.45am-11.15am & 11.30am-1pm)
July 1-5, 2024 – Summer School at AMU – in-person classes (20h) + off-class activities

Our invitation has been accepted by speakers from three continents (Asia, North America, Europe) – detailed list TBA.

Conference “To the Rescue! Ways to Save the World” (July 5, 2024)
The aim of the conference is to involve participants of the program in a transcultural and multinational debate about the possible sources of hope in the world without it. Desperate times require inventive measures! Students will be encouraged to explore in their presentations the answers provided by the works of art and/or to experiment with creative approaches on their own – whatever it may mean. For if there is to be a future, it cannot be the one we already know.
Details about the conference will be shared with the participants after the finalization of the recruitment process.

Conference organizers:
Irmina Bloch, Dominika Górko, Krzysztof Hoffmann, Kinga Mazurkiewicz

BIP Organized by:
Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology
Literature Affirmation Centre

Head of the Program: Krzysztof Hoffmann (
General Erasmus+ inquiries, contracts: Justyna Wciórka (
Program coordination: Irmina Bloch (