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Wykład dra Jozefa Šebka: „Clap, clap hands: Queer Writing of the Self from the Time of Social Transformation”

Pracownia Genderowych i Transkulturowych Studiów Bałkanistycznych serdecznie zaprasza na wykład „Clap, clap hands: Queer Writing of the Self from the Time of Social Transformation” doktora Jozefa Šebka z Instytutu Literatury Czeskiej i Komparatystyki Uniwersytetu Karola w Pradze, który odbędzie 20 listopada o godz. 16.15 w sali 186 (IFS).

Opis wykładu:

Several important queer autobiographical/autofictional narratives were published around the year 1989, with a remarkable publication history: Václav Bauman’s Paci, paci, pacičky (Clap, clap hands, written in 1984, published as samizdat in 1987 and 1988, officially in 1990 and again in 2017), Václav Jamek’s Traité des courtes merveilles (written in French, dated 1985–1988, published in Paris in 1989, not translated into Czech), and Ladislav Fuks’s memoir Moje zrcadlo (My mirror, written 1991–1993, published posthumously in a heavily edited form in 1995 and again in 2007). In my talk, I will show that these texts can be read as a synecdoche of queer writing of the self at the time. They present a surprisingly varied mosaic of openly expressed as well as repressed queer desire, and in complex and often contradictory ways participate in the process of social transformation.