Data wydarzenia:

Wykład prof. Douglasa Hedleya: „The Cambridge Platonists and Their Significance”

Instytut Filologii Klasycznej UAM serdecznie zaprasza na wykład prof. Douglasa Hedleya (University of Cambridge), pt. „The Cambridge Platonists and Their Significance”, który odbędzie się 23 kwietnia (wtorek) o godz. 17.00 w sali 328 Collegium Maius.

Abstrakt wystąpienia:

The Cambridge Platonists are of particular significance for the history of Western Platonism as an important link between an Italian Renaissance and the Romantic period. They represent an intriguing instance of the influence of Late Antique and Patristic thought in the early modern period and, in particular, of the thought of Plotinus and Origen of Alexandria. In my talk I will also refer to the recently published first volume of the new series of Latin works of Henry More, translated by Christian Hengstermann. This first volume is dedicated to Henry More's critique of Jacob Boehme, the Silesian Lutheran mystic and thinker. I will endeavour to explain the links between the Patristic inheritance and the critique of the Mystical Cobbler.